Saturday, April 26, 2008

Global Warming...more like Global Freezing!

I think global warming is a bunch of crap. It snowed this week...the last week of April! Are you kidding me! I think I would prefer global warming to this cold weather. I just want summer to get here, so I can be outside doing fun things.

Tomorrow is my birthday...yay! It is sunday, so there isn't a bunch to do. We celebrated yesterday by going to Tucanos...yum! It is a Brazilian grill where you eat all the meat you can handle...and it is soooo good...especially the bacon wrapped turkey! The night was completed with some Cold Stone ice cream.

I may not be going to Portland for a while now. My aunt had surgery on her back and my mom might have to go take care of her for a bit. I'm kind of sad cause I wanted to see my fam and friends, but I guess I can wait a little longer if I need to.

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