Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On my way to a healthier me

Well, it is that time of the year again...time to start eating better, exercising and losing some weight! Emery is competing in a biggest loser contest at his work, so I am going to compete against just him at home. It is always easier to lose weight when you have someone doing it with you! So, hopefully I can stick with it and get some of this fat off. I was eating really bad for the last few months, so I have packed on a few pounds.

Today is the first day and so far I have eaten some healthy cereal for breakfast. I plan on having plain yogurt with fresh blackberries mixed in for a snack, a tuna sandwich for lunch, and chicken with vegetables for dinner. When Emery gets home we are going to do our workout on the XBox Kinect (that we got for Christmas) and I will probably hop on the elliptical for a bit.

The first day is always the easiest...wish me luck!

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