Sunday, February 28, 2010

Starting to Grow!

Here are a couple pictures of what my seeds are up to. As you can see, the radishes are sprouting! This is pretty exciting, but I am worried that I didn't plant them deep enough. I will see what happens and if they start looking sad maybe I will transfer them to another container. You can't really tell from this picture, but the cucumbers are also starting to sprout. Anyway, I just wanted to share my excitement with the blogging world!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

An attempt at gardening

So I have been known to kill a plant or two...but I really want to have a vegetable garden this year. My grandma had a huge garden in her backyard and I have so many great memories of going out back and picking vegetables and flowers. So, I thought I would give it a shot. I purchased a little greenhouse thing that gets your seeds started while it is cold outside, then I can transfer them outside once it warms up.
I planted green bell peppers, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots and cantaloupes (kinda random, I know). Ignore the one cucumber spot, it didn't work out.

Well, now I wait. I will post an update in a week or so...hopefully I will see some little sprouts! Maybe my thumb will turn green after all!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feelin crafty

So I felt like my house needed a little holiday cheer, since nothing had been done since Christmas (maybe some of the Christmas decorations haven't even been put away yet, but it's just too cold outside to take the lights all down! No you're right, I am just lazy). So I decided it was time to do a little Easter decorating. Problem is I have no Easter decor and I don't have money to buy stuff right now. I was shopping at Target and saw this cute wreath for $20. I thought it was a decent price, but still not the amount I was looking to spend.
Then I went to the Dollar Tree. Usually I don't find too much great stuff here, but I figured it was worth a shot. I found these egg picks for $1 each, so I got three of them in various sizes.
Then I found a willow wreath for $1 (this is not the exact wreath, cause Dollar Tree didn't have it on their website and I didn't take a before pic, but you get the idea). So I thought to myself maybe...just maybe I can use my lower than average craftiness to create an Easter wreath of my own.

and...drum roll please...I present to you my egg wreath. I made it with love, does that count? I added some ribbons I had lying around to give it some extra that a word? Anyway, I think it turned out alright...and $4 total is better than $20. I still love you Target.

I put it in front of the mirror on my mantel. I still need to get something to put in the vase, but I am not sure what yet. Any ideas?

I am going to add this to a couple of blog parties, everyone should take a look at all the great ideas!
Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

The Shabby Chic Cottage

Beyond The Picket Fence
Get your craft on Thurs.
Decor Mamma

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day was yesterday. Morgan loved getting her treats and she got a cute heart pillow to match her room. I figured she had enough stuffed animals for now, so I decided to get something she could use instead. Cameron got a cute musical giraffe though. I surprised Emery by having chocolate covered strawberries, a balloon, and a poster board card with pictures of us waiting for him when he arrived to work in the morning. He never saw it coming...yup, I am awesome. Emery got me a case for my new netbook and some butterfingers (which I love!). I was lucky enough to have three valentine's this year who I love and couldn't live without! Here are some pictures...since I have been totally slacking in the picture department.

And here are a couple more just for the heck of it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

midterms out of the way

Well, my midterms are done. Thank goodness. I think I did well, but you never know. At least I don't have to stress about it anymore. Now I need to start studying my flight attendant stuff.

The last couple of days the kids were really sick and throwing up a lot, which was no fun at all. I am so glad they are better now. Oh, and thanks Kaci for bringing us the sprite, chicken noodle soup and other good stuff! We weren't even able to do anything for the Superbowl this year since everyone was sick, but it doesn't matter cause the Colts lost...Emery was pretty sad about that!

That is really about all that is going on currently. I am still working on refinishing Morgan's furniture. It is taking me a million years, so she better appreciate it!

I really need to take some pictures.